
Practical mindfulness for busy people.


Mindfulness - Paying attention on purpose in the present moment.


'Mindfulness is the quality of awareness that comes from paying attention to yourself, others and the world around you in a certain way. It is an awareness that arises from paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and n0n-judgementally. - Jon Kabatt-Zinn



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Why 'off the cushion'?

Well, the focus on this site is about developing and using mindfulness in your daily life, when you actually need it. It is a lot easier to be mindful in a quiet relaxing environment, but a little more tricky out in the hustle and bustle of your everyday life. Having said that, we will also be showing you exercises that youcan do at home as well.




Mindlessness - the opposite of mindfulness


Sometimes it is useful to look at something by turning to it's opposite.


Our attention wanders off into the past or into the future. I'm sure you have noticed this. You could be walking or driving from A to B. You get to B and suddenly wonder where the journey went.


Not paying attention makes it more likely that accidents will happen, but it also means that you can fail to notice opportunities. Life passes you by.


There are all the things that we potentially miss out on by not paying attention, it might be a new idea or opportunity, meeting a new person, or anobject of natural beauty, that we fail to notice simply because we re distracted or fixed on something.


So, how can I be more mindful?

Well, that's what this site aims to help you with. Let's get started.

Drop us a message, we'd love to hear from you.

If you have any questions, then please send us a message using the form below. We also have a monthly mindfulness newsletter that we'd be happy to send out to you.


